Thursday 2 July 2009

Tic Tac i will save my Toe

Thursday 2 July 2009

Singapore ,the land where i was born in and where i spent a large sum of my life in, has taught me discipline and how to respect others. Many people of the world, admire Singapore for it's uniqueness where everything is so perfect. why is everything so perfect? Maybe because if you were not to follow the rules, than there will be a nice kinder surprise for you! Living in this fear has prevented the people's creativity from growing as certain issues and images are not allowed to be seen as they can spark a certain fire in some people which may lead to a disruption of this ''singapura'' perfectness! But in the years, i have noticed how Singapore has been trying to open their eyes to the world and be part of this moving economy. Being closed minded, doesn't get you moving and since their aim is always to be the best! Things on that island are started to get better, especially in their creativeness!

The campaign for developed at JWT Singapore for WWF Singapore have won a Gold Print Lion at Cannes 2009, featuring the Shark, Crocodile and Tree as players in drawn games of Tic Toe. The slogan "Your Turn" puts so much responsibility in our hands, creating an awareness of how we can decide how things end up!

Be a winner! Play your game RIGHT!


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