Thursday 21 May 2009

Mission: Doorman

Thursday 21 May 2009

Our last Big brief for this advertising year, (Given an occupation ex. doorman) we had to create a manifesto of 6 points showing how this job could be amazing! Went to London, Spoke to many doorman of all kinds, Retail door people in fashion stores, High class doorman, Crazily fun animated door people like princesses and jokers at Hamleys Toy store ecc. It was a pretty fun getting to know so much and this led to our creation of our video.

Kathleen and I wanted to do something different so, we thought of all kinds of doorman ( definition: A man employed to attend an entrance) ex. teeth to the throat, Scarecrow to the fields, Dog to kennel and made one big mixture of how a doorman can love his job!


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